
Hello. I'm a researcher specialized in Phonetics & Phonology. (🐣 This website started since May 2022.)

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🔎 This link includes the following tools.

Frequency Analysis: Creating Word Frequency list (csv file), creating Wordcloud with your text.
Tagging: Auto text tagging (Part of Speech: POS tagging) and create a wordlist including frequency, words, POS tags.
Words in Contexts: Concordance (showing contexts where target words occur), Collocation (words occurring together), N-gram (N words occuring together.
Lexical Diversity: 10 mostly used LD measures including TTR, LogTTR, RootTTR, etc. A tool with 3 main LD indices is also provided (MTLD, HDD, MASS). These are known less influenced by the length of texts.

▶️ NLP tools ready to use: (asof May 16, 2022)

🌱 Each tool will open in github.

💧 Main topic {Applications} Coding
Tagging POS tagging & wordlist
Words in context Condordance
    Collocation}, N-gram}
Lexical Diversity 10 LD measures (e.g., TTR, LogTTR, RootTTR, etc.)
    Core LD indices (MTLD, HDD, MASS measures)

To be updated…

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