
Hello. I'm a researcher specialized in Phonetics & Phonology. (🐣 This website started since May 2022.)

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🐳 Basic Statistics: using R and Python 🔎
↳ Descriptive statistics (getting mean, SD, median, quartiles), Linear Regression, Hierarchical Clustering (Hclust analysis), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and basic plots including barchart, piechart, scatter plot.

Python coding for stats (These are ready to use):

🔎 Each link will open in github. You can go to Colab from there to use the tool.

  Topics Code link (github > Colab)
1 Descriptive statistics {Descriptive stats}
2 Linear Regression {Linear Regression}
3 Hierachical Clustering {Hclust}
4 Principal Component Analysis {PCA}
5 Basic plots {Basic Rplot}
6 R on Colab Doing R in Colab

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